Hi all,


If I have two graphs g and h with internal edge property maps, how can I make these the layers of a graph i?


g = Graph(directed=False)


g_weight = g.new_ep('int')

g_layer = g.new_ep('int')

g.add_edge_list([[0, 1, 2, 0], [2, 3, 2, 0]], eprops=[g_weight, g_layer])

g.edge_properties['weight'] = g_weight

g.edge_properties['layer'] = g_layer


h = Graph(directed=False)


h_weight = h.new_ep('int')

h_layer = h.new_ep('int')

h.add_edge_list([[1, 2, 1, 1]], eprops=[h_weight, h_layer])

h.edge_properties['weight'] = h_weight

h.edge_properties['layer'] = h_layer


This works but is not nice and gets lengthy when layers are many:


i = g.copy() # make deep copy

i.add_edge_list(h.edges()) # this does not add the edge properties

i.ep.weight.a[-h.num_edges():] = h.ep.weight.a # manually add the edge weight

i.ep.layer.a[-h.num_edges():] = h.ep.weight.a # manually add the edge layer


Is there a better way?


I’m using gt 2.29 from conda-ostrokach.


Many thanks

