Hi everyone,

   I've been working around with graph-tool and I have found a strange behaviour.

   A have this input .dot file

graph G {
0 ;
10 ;
200 ;
1000 ;
0--200 ;
10--200 ;
1000--200 ;
1000--10 ;

I load the graph in graph_tool using g=load_graph("example.dot") and everything is OK. Now I want to know the output_degree of the node with identifier 200 (index 2). I use:

g.vertex(2).out_degree() that returns 2

Obviously vertex with identifier 200 (index 2) must return 3.

I have executed g.save("graphtool_dump.dot") with the following output:
graph G {
0--200 ;
10--200 ;
1000--200 ;
1000--10 ;

The nodes have been reordered (probably following alphabetic order) and now the vertex with identifier "200" is in position 3 instead of 2. This behaviour can be very annoying in some cases, and can lead to confusion. Does exist any way to avoid this reordering? 

Thanks in advance,
