
I'm trying to install graph-tool, but when running  the configure script am getting this error
"configure: error: No usable boost::python found"

However I installed boost and went through the necessary steps to compile the boost-python portion of the library.  The procedure to compile the boost-python portion of the library ends with a test, and this test is passed with no errors.  All went as expected with boost and seemed right.

I think I might know why the configure script might not be finding the boost library, though not sure what to do about it.

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, which comes with python2.7.  However, I have installed the enthought python distribution, and this is what I associated boost-python to during its compilation.  My guess is that this might have to do with the configure script finding the python that came bundled with my Ubuntu distribution, and not the Enthought python to which boost-python is associated.

Would anyone be able to advise on how to proceed?  Is there a way to tell it the path to the correct python installation?

I also tried installing using apt-get.  The installation seems to go well, but it associates to the version of python that came with my Ubuntu distribution, not Enthought python.  I don't believe I can alter the behavior of apt-get.

I need this to work with my Enthought python.  Any hints would be much appreciated.

Edward Newell